Anti Aging & Functional Medicine

Healthy diet Healthy Food

The Anti-Aging Diet

The Anti-Aging Diet

Aging is a process that everyone will go through. Although you will not be able to stop this process, there are things that you can do to slow it down. An anti-aging diet can help slow down the aging process. There are a number of foods that you should include in your diet. 


It is important to include low-glycemic index foods in an anti-aging diet. Low-glycemic index foods do not cause your blood sugar to spike. High-glycemic index food can cause wrinkles and acne. Oats are a low-glycemic index food. They can also protect the skin from damage. 


Watermelon has lycopene in it. Lycopene helps your body retain moisture. Keeping your skin moist is one of the keys to preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Lycopene can also prevent cancerous cells from growing in the body. 


Oranges are filled with water. They will hydrate your cells and skin. You can get the vitamin C that you need by eating oranges. Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen. Your skin needs collagen in order to keep it supple. 


Avocado is considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is also praised for its anti-aging benefits. Potassium, fiber and monounsaturated fat are some of the nutrients that are in an avocado. You can also use avocado to make a face mask. 

Lean Beef 

Lean beef is a great source of high-quality protein. In fact, you can provide yourself with plenty of protein by getting two servings of lean beef per week. Make sure that you flip the meat often while you are cooking it. Charring creates chemicals that can undo any anti-aging benefits. 


Salmon is one of the most abundant food sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The omega 3 fatty acids help keep the skin healthy and plump. Salmon is also high in protein. 


Grapes are high in resveratrol. This is an antioxidant that helps fight inflammation. It may help slow down the aging process. Resveratrol can also protect the skin from ultraviolet ray damage. 

Greek Yogurt 

If you are looking for a snack that will keep your skin healthy, then you should try Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is high in calcium and vitamin D. Additionally, Greek yogurt has probiotics, which are good bacteria that keep your gut healthy. You can reap additional health benefits by topping your yogurt with berries and bananas.

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