Anti Aging & Functional Medicine

Is There Such a Thing as Healthy Aging? If True, How Is This Done?

Is There Such a Thing as Healthy Aging? If True, How Is This Done?

Perhaps you have heard the term healthy aging and wondered whether such a thing could really be true. According to the latest research studies on aging, there are active steps that people can take as they get older in order to put off some of the stereotypical signs and symptoms that most associate with aging.

An experienced Raleigh based anti-aging doctor sees these latest studies as proof that there are some common and controllable factors that influence healthy aging as opposed to early aging.

What’s even more encouraging is that taking steps to prevent or combat current aging related symptoms can even work to reverse some of these telltale aging signs resulting in the person feeling younger, stronger and hopeful about this next chapter of life often termed the elder years of adulthood.

Factors That Influence Healthy Aging

Anti-aging doctors have known for years that there are certain factors that influence healthy aging. There are some common factors that most people will have to deal with as the years pass.

These factors include:

  • Weight – Obesity
  • Activity Level
  • Lifestyle Choices
  • Hereditary Health Risks
  • Diet
  • Body Shape
  • Outlook on Life
  • Staying Involved in Activities You Enjoy
  • Sleep Patterns
  • Keeping Regular Preventative Health Exams & Screenings
  • Overall Stress Levels
  • Marital Status and/or Social Factors
  • Ability to Balance Life’s Challenges

How Weight & Body Shape Impact Healthy Aging

Weight and body shape also play a big role in the normal aging process. Obesity remains a high risk factor for speeding up those adverse aging signs and symptoms and can impact many areas of a person’s life.

Researchers stress that a person’s body shape and fat-to-muscle ratio, or body composition elements, also play a huge role in whether someone leans towards healthy aging patterns or suffers premature symptoms of aging and poorer health in general.

Specifically, obesity and gaining weight in the midsection area puts people at a higher risk of certain health problems.

These include:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular Problems
  • Strokes or Heart Attacks
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Some Cancers
  • Osteoporosis & Bone Density Loss
  • Higher Mortality Rate at Younger Ages

Dr. Zacco of the Anti-Aging & Functional Medicine medical practice located in the North Hills or Raleigh region of North Carolina offers some words of hope. There are highly effective anti-aging and healthy aging steps and treatments that can mitigate some of these risk factors and/or prevent future health problems.

These treatments include doctor assisted weight loss and management, preventative screening and health tests, hormone optimization, stress reduction, addressing addressing leaky gut syndrome and others.

Why People Should Carefully Consider What They Eat to Slow Aging Symptoms

It turns out, we are what we eat after all. This older adage has a strong ring of truth to anti-aging doctors. People should carefully consider what they eat to slow aging related symptoms. Our metabolism rates change due to age and other factors.

It is necessary to figure in these hormonal adjustment phases when planning meals. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding sugary drinks and high-caloric foods, staying away from over-processed foods with high salt content and managing the appropriate meal proportions are key to encourage healthier aging patterns.

Dr. Zacco also mentions that supplemental nutrient and IV therapy, getting rid of body toxins through chelation treatments and keeping weight in the healthy recommended parameters can help immensely.

Reasons to Stay Active Later in Life

Getting older shouldn’t mean that we slow down our usual activity level. Keeping active later in life is a key component to healthy aging and well-being. Keep doing the things that you enjoy no matter your biological age. This can help individuals feel healthy, balanced, strong and younger at any age.

Manage Risk Factors & Get Health Screenings

It is also essential to manage risk factors and to get the recommended health screenings for your age group to stay healthy, strong and balanced. Ongoing stress has a huge negative influence on aging. Learn how to manage stress through meditation, yoga or other means. Staying connected socially is also important.


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