Finding an Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine Doctor to Help Your Thyroid Disease
There are many different health issues that can contribute to early signs of aging. One of those issues is becoming more known today. Thyroid problems seem to push the pedal and speed up the process of aging. However, if you’re aware that you have thyroid disease, you can take control of the problem with some anti-aging medicine before aging takes its toll.
Defining What and How Your Thyroid Works
In starting this conversation, it would be beneficial for readers to know exactly what thyroid disease is. First, people should be aware that there are two types of thyroid disease:
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
These two types of thyroid conditions, in which someone can get, depends on how the thyroid gland is working in the body. The thyroid is a part of the endocrine system and is the butterfly-shaped organ right below Adam’s apple in the neck area. And for this organ to function in a normal way, it needs to release two main hormones.
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Thyroxine (T4)
Now, for the thyroid gland to produce these two hormones, it is important to eat foods with iodine in order to do so. However, this is where the disease affects a person. If your thyroid, for whatever reason, stops working correctly, then somehow it is not getting enough of one or both hormones it needs, or it is getting too much of one or more of the hormones.
Visible Signs of a Thyroid Problem
Although there is a deeper discussion to be had on your thyroid gland and how it needs to function, for this article, I want to concentrate on how it can affect the way we look. More specifically, how fast we age. Some of the ways it shows in our outer appearance are with:
- Itchy Dry Skin
- Brittle Nails
- Dry Hair
- Hair loss
- Jaundice
- Dark Circles Under the Eyes
Whenever you see these signs, the thyroid is not working well and is either lacking hormonal function or has too much function. Fatigue, bowel problems, and irregular periods are some of the internal issues that cause the outer appearance to look older than a person really is.
If you show signs of any of these symptoms, it will be time to go and see your doctor to request thyroid determining tests. If it is discovered you have the disease, make sure you are seeing a doctor who is an expert in the field of anti-aging and functional medicine for these types of complex issues.
Take Control of Your Thyroid by Visiting an Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine Professional
Finally, take these tips and know that you can find a way back to normalcy. Although it may seem like a real burden to have this disease, it does not have to be. It will help you if you take a little time to do some research and find your anti-aging and functional medicine doctor. Go ahead, take the initiative and find your solution.