Anti Aging & Functional Medicine

Anti Aging

Anti-Aging Secrets

Anti-Aging Secrets

Aging is something that we all must do, but we don’t have to do it quickly. What if there were ways to change the way that our bodies and faces are aging? Would you follow the secrets to see what happens? Many of us would and that is why we are ready to share with you, these anti-aging secrets. 

Sesame Oil for Anti-Aging Benefits 
There are some people who use sesame oil every day when they wake up. By rubbing it all over your skin, you can start to feel an amazing difference. Your skin soaks in the oil, which helps it to stay hydrated and soft. It will give it a healthy glow and when you go into the shower and rinse it off, your old skin cells will literally fall off to make way for the new ones! 

Drink Your Coffee 
Who said that drinking coffee is bad for you? Caffeine actually helps to wake up your skin and your mind. Rubbing coffee scrubs, lotions, and creams onto your face can help you to get rid of the dark circles and puffy spots that come up on your face in the morning. Keep the coffee around because you’re going to need it! 

Cut Out White Sugar 
White sugar has been shown to speed up aging in people. It also can connect to the collagen in your body and start to break it down. Collagen is important to our bodies and our skin because it helps to create new cells. The more collagen in your skin, the less wrinkles and fine lines you will have. If you want to eat something sweet, eat more fruit and vegetables that contain all-natural sugars. 

Take Care of Your Hands 
It is crazy to think of how much we exfoliate our faces and add wrinkle creams and lotions to them, but what happens as our hands start to age? Many people say that the first place they saw aging was in their hands. This can be reversed, just like our faces. It is important to take very good care of our hands with lotions, but also to exfoliate them and use creams that can help build up the skin cells in them as well. Our hands do so much for us, so it is time that we repaid them! 

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen 
The sun is the culprit for so much that happens to our skin. Wearing sunscreen is the best way to avoid getting those premature lines and wrinkles. Models, celebrities, and doctors all swear by the use of sunscreen and depending on what elevation you live at, you may need to apply it more than others. 

When it comes to taking care of your skin, remember, it’s the only one you’ll get! Looking after our faces and our bodies is very important when it comes to keeping your youthful glow. Be good to your skin and you will see how great you will continue to look!

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