Anti Aging & Functional Medicine

Anti-Aging Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill

Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Welcome to Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Welcome to our new site, please allow us to assist you in regaining a more youthful energy level and zest for life. Utilizing techniques of Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine, our goal is to return your energy and vitality to a more youthful level. Traditional medicine is focused on treating disease and prescribing medication.  We prefer prevention and a more holistic approach and elimination of medication whenever possible.  Optimization and restoration is the key.

• Decreased Sex Drive/ Erectile Dysfunction / Fizzling Love Life / Retired Romance?
• Tired/ Worn Out/ Lack of Energy / Fatigue / Sleepy / Dwindling Motivation?
• Gaining Weight/ Can’t Lose Weight / Middle Age Bulge?
• Mood Swings/ Irritable/ Decreased Confidence/ Sadness?
• Decreased Muscle Mass?
• High Blood Pressure/ High Cholesterol / High Blood Sugar?

Dr. Arthur Zacco

[learn_more caption=”Dr. Zacco”] CDr. Arthur Zacco is the first and only physician in Wake County to be certified in Anti Aging Medicine by the American Board of Anti Aging & Regenerative Medicine in 2009.  Dr. Zacco will spend 60-90 minutes with you during the first appointment in order to leave no stone unturned and get to the root of what is keeping you from being your best.  You will under go extensive traditional and FDA approved non-traditional testing via; blood, saliva, hormonal, urine, nutrient, GI, toxicity, adrenal, sleep, etc., in order to give you answers to your questions.  Dr. Arthur Zacco treats everyone as an individual and individualizes your treatment plan.  Your follow up appointments will never be rushed and Dr.Zacco will spend 60-120 minutes, giving you the attention that you need and deserve.  Our goal is to make you feel better and improve your health.  We aim to increase your muscle mass, minimize body fat, increase your energy, and restore your enjoyment of life’s pleasures.[/learn_more]

Our Approach

[learn_more caption=”Our Approach”] Our approach is scientifically based, medically proven Anti-Aging & Functional Medicine. Board Certified in Family Practice since 1996, certified in Anti-Aging Medicine since 2009 by the American Board of Regenerative Medicine, and certified in Integrative Medicine in 2013 by the American Academy of Integrative Medicine.  At Anti Aging & Functional Medicine, we do not employ Nurse Practitioners (N.P.) or Physician Assistants (P.A.) and Dr. Arthur Zacco is the only physician you will see.[/learn_more] Our approach is scientifically based, medically proven Anti-Aging & Functional Medicine. Board Certified in Family Practice since 1996 and certified in Anti-Aging Medicine since 2009.  At Anti Aging & Functional Medicine, we do not employ Nurse Practitioners (N.P.) or Physician Assistants (P.A.) and Dr. Arthur Zacco is the only physician you will see.

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