Live Longer while Looking and Feeling Younger
Aging is natural and will affect all of us, but there are plenty of ways to stave off the ravages of age and look and feel younger. Diet, exercise, and preventive practices can all work wonders to keep us all living a lot longer. Following these steps will have us looking younger, and feeling healthier as we age. Today, being in your fifties, sixties, and seventies doesn’t have to mean retirement or slowing down at all. It also doesn’t mean an end of your golden years. People can stay active and have fun no matter what their age. A lot of this is due to medical advancements, but lifestyle choices can really make a big difference as well.
There are a lot of choices when it comes to exercise. Different programs are developed almost daily. Levels of intensity vary with exercise programs, and while younger people tend to gravitate towards running and other high-intensity exercises, many people–especially as they’re getting older–may want to consider low-intensity exercises such as yoga, qigong, and t’ ai chi.
All three of these programs offer low-intensity workouts that improve joint flexibility, stamina, vitality, and improvement of overall health. Yoga began in India as a religious practice, but it has since evolved into a very healthy exercise. Yoga was taught abroad in Tibet and China and eventually developed into exercises that can be seen in qigong, which is considered a traditional Chinese practice. Exercises that can be seen in qigong were eventually developed into various martial arts forms known as t’ ai chi, but eventually, the martial applications were replaced by slow-moving exercises by many people. Today, all three of these practices can be great for longevity, as they massage internal organs, loosen and relax joints, help with the brain-body connection (which releases chemicals such as dopamine and blocks others such as cortisol), and improve range of movement.
Food can help or hurt your pursuit of longevity. Sometimes, the overall diet can lead to aging, as in simply eating foods that cause problems such as illness or inflammation. An overall diet can also be healthy and beneficial. Sometimes, particular foods and drinks can reduce the symptoms of aging. Sometimes foods can cause problems that lead to advanced aging.
Turmeric, flax seeds, organic produce such as tomatoes and blueberries, specialty teas such as green or oolong, and certain nuts and legumes can have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain and lethargy and provide energy and vitality. Certain ingredients such as the aforementioned Turmeric and also ginger can help reduce pain and discomfort. Foods that lead to better overall feelings can allow you to feel more alive, work out more, and live a more active life. In combination, these practices will help you feel and look younger longer.
Skin Care
It’s also important to take care of your skin both internally and externally. Drinking more water and eating healthier foods can help reduce collagen loss, thus keeping skin tight and healthy. You can consult a dermatologist about external healthcare, as there are many lotions and other products that can help you have a smooth, healthy glow that lasts for decades. Of course, it’s also wise to stay out of tanning booths and the sun for too long, as these practices can age the skin quicker than normal.
Anti-aging is about feeling healthy as much as it is about looking healthy and feeling younger. How you feel is going to come from diet and exercise. This will also affect how you look. Both go hand-in-hand, and by following healthy practices, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a long, healthy life and who doesn’t wanna look and feel younger.